Leonardo Bargigli

Leonardo Bargigli is Associate Professor in Economics and Director of the bachelor's degree program in Economics and Business at the University of Florence. He obtained his Ph.D. in Telematics and Information Society at the University of Florence, Department of Electronics and Telecommunications. His research activity is mainly focused on network theory, agent-based models, statistical methods and econometrics.

Leonardo Boncinelli

Leonardo Boncinelli is Professor of Political Economy at the University of Florence, Coordinator of the PhD in Social Sciences for Sustainability and Wellbeing, Director of the Research Center on Games for Social Change. His research expertise includes game theory, behavioral economics, bounded rationality and evolutionary theories. He has recently worked on behavioral public policies, game-based learning, gamification, online experiments and through chatbots.

Corrado Di Guilmi

Corrado Di Guilmi is Associate Professor at the University of Florence. He is co-director of the program in Behavioral Macroeconomics and Complexity at the Centre of Applied Macroeconomic Analysis at the Australian National University and Research Fellow at the Center for Computational Social Science, Kobe University. His research mainly focuses on computational, labor, and financial macroeconomics.

Tiziano Distefano

Tiziano Distefano is a researcher (Rtd-b) at the Department of Economics of the University of Florence. He is Principal Investigator of the PRIN PNRR "MUST4Water" project. He organized various conferences and summer schools in collaboration with the European Society of Ecological Economics and created, in collaboration with the Il BO Live magazine of the University of Padua, the podcast “Back to the future: talks on Ecological Economics” (https ://ilbolive.unipd.it/index.php/it/taxonomy/term/10992). His main research interests include ecological macroeconomics, climate change and water resources, system dynamics, input-output, network theory and epistemology.

Gianluca Iannucci

Gianluca Iannucci is Assistant Professor (with tenure) of Mathematical Economics at the University of Florence (Italy) where he earned a PhD in Economics. His research focuses on dynamical systems theory and dynamic games applied to environmental issues, specially emission permits market, demand for insurance, and groundwater management. He has published in academic journals such as Science, Energy Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Dynamic Games and Applications, Annals of Operations Research.

Giorgio Ricchiuti

Giorgio Ricchiuti holds the position of Associate Professor of Political Economy at the University of Florence (Italy) and is a fellow at the Complexity Lab in Economics. Additionally, he serves as an adjunct professor at Catholic University in Milan. Giorgio completed his undergraduate studies in Economics at Bocconi University (Milan, Italy) and earned a PhD. in Development Economics from the University of Florence. His research focuses on dynamic models involving heterogeneous agents and network analysis.

Vincenzo Valori is Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Florence